Once Upon a Star Read online

Page 5

“What?” Audrey asked, her brow furrowing. Her mother was lacking for nothing except for maybe decent civility.

  “God. All the money in the world means nothing if I don’t have two things—God being the first.”

  “What’s the second?”

  Blake’s hazel eyes stared into hers. “Love,” he said as his thumb caressed her cheek. “First Corinthians says, ‘three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.’ But if you don’t have Jesus in your heart, it’s hard to understand love.”

  Suddenly, Audrey wanted to know Jesus the way Blake seemed to. She wanted the peace he exuded. “Will you teach me about love?”

  There was a double meaning in her words, and Blake didn’t miss it. His eyes glistened as he nodded. “I would love to teach you about love.” Then his eyes closed, and his head lowered to hers, sending a tremor of emotion through her body as his lips pressed against hers. Her hands wound around his neck, her fingers locking in his hair. As his hands lowered to her low back, he pulled her closer to him and the kiss deepened until the cry from Cayden broke them apart.

  “I think he might be jealous,” Blake said, brushing a finger across Audrey’s lips. “But we need to get going anyway or we won’t make it to church.”

  Audrey nodded. Any words she might have been able to respond with had left her head when his lips seared hers.

  Ten minutes later, they were pulling into the parking lot of the small white church. A large white steeple that held a bell rose from the left side of the building and a single cross sat in the middle of the roof. Stained glass windows dotted the building, adding bursts of color to the plain white siding.

  Blake grabbed Cayden’s car seat from the back and slung it over his left arm, leaving his right hand free to clasp Audrey’s hand. When his fingers entwined with hers, she couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face.

  “Hello, Blake, good to see you.” A young man with dark hair and a bright smile greeted them as they approached the entrance.

  “Hello, Pastor Tom. It’s good to see you again too. Are you teaching today?”

  “Yes sir. Pastor Robert is taking a few weeks off.”

  “This is my friend Audrey McAllister. Audrey, this is Pastor Tom.”

  Tom’s eyes widened at the name, and Audrey smirked. “Yep, Bruce McAllister is my father. I’m sort of the black sheep of the family I guess.”

  “Well, sheep of all color are welcome here,” Tom said with a laugh. “We will have to try to get your parents to join us.”

  Audrey rolled her eyes. “Good luck with that. Religion isn’t their thing.”

  “But it wasn’t yours either, remember?” Blake said, squeezing her hand.

  “That’s true, but I think I was an easier sell than they will be.”

  “We’ll keep praying regardless,” Tom said. “And we’re glad to have you here today.”

  Audrey followed Blake into the sanctuary, feeling out of her element. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been in a church. Rows of chairs filled the open room, and a stage at the front held a piano, a drum set, and a few guitars. One large white screen hung on the wall at the very back of the stage.

  As Cayden was awake, Audrey rescued him from the carrier after they sat down and held him on her lap. His eyes flicked back and forth as if taking the new environment in.

  The room filled quickly, and those who knew Blake came by and greeted him. Blake was careful to introduce her each time, but she knew she would never remember all the names. Perhaps after she had been coming a few weeks, they would stick in her memory. She paused at that thought. She had never planned to stay when she came home, but the idea didn’t sound so bad now.

  When the music started, Audrey found herself swaying to the beat, though she didn’t know most of the words. Blake sang beside her, his voice a clear, strong tenor. She’d had no idea he could sing, but she found she wouldn’t mind hearing his voice every Sunday.

  After the songs ended, Pastor Tom took the stage. Audrey had no Bible, but Blake held his out, so they could look at it together. When the words ‘but the greatest of these is love’ hit her ears, Audrey glanced up. Was it just an odd coincidence that the pastor was speaking on the very verse Blake had said to her this morning or was this God speaking to her? She turned to Blake, who smiled and nodded at her.

  As the pastor continued to speak, Audrey’s heart called out to God asking him to lead her, to change her, and to show her love.

  When the service ended, Blake took her to The Diner for lunch. It appeared to be the hangout place after church on Sunday as several other church goers ended up there as well. Audrey was glad Blake didn’t call them over or ask them to join their table though. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to get to know everyone soon, but she wanted a little time with Blake to decompress and discuss his plan for the next day.

  “I’m so glad I got to know you,” Audrey said as they opened the menus. “I know it hasn’t been long, but I feel like a different person now.”

  “Well, it’s been a lot longer for me,” Blake said with a smile. “I’ve been waiting to be with you for years.”

  Heat climbed up Audrey’s face at the compliment. She couldn’t believe this wonderful man had been in front of her all those years ago and she had been too blind to see it.

  “But you are a different person now. Accepting God into your heart changes you. Now we just need to get your parents and your sister together, so we can see about changing their hearts too.”

  “Do you think it will work?” Audrey asked. “I can’t see my mother ever giving up her money and leaning on Jesus.”

  “Well, she doesn’t necessarily have to give up her money, but as for leaning on Jesus, I’ve seen tougher cases than your mother come around. Never doubt what God can do. Christmas is next week, and that seems to help with people’s spirits too. We’ll figure something out.”

  Audrey nodded, but the doubt still rumbled around in her head. She wanted him to be right. No, she needed him to be right, but it would take a miracle to turn her mother around.

  Chapter 9

  Audrey applied the last dab of lipstick and leaned forward to inspect the finished product in the mirror. Not bad, if she did say so herself.

  When the knock sounded at the door, her heart fluttered in her chest. She hadn’t expected to fall for someone in Star Lake and certainly not so fast.

  With a smile, she flung the door open to greet Blake, but it wasn’t Blake who stared back at her from the front stoop.

  “Tony? What are you doing here?” On the other side stood the man she thought she’d never see again, the dark-haired Italian who had left her six months ago.

  “I came for you and my son. Audrey, I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I should have been.”

  “How did you even find me?” Confusion covered Audrey, clouding her thoughts. She and Tony had never spoken of her hometown; he had never appeared interested.

  “Dez told me you came home for money. I had no idea you were from such a small town, but once I arrived, it was easy to follow the gossip train to your house. You don’t have to stay any longer. Return to LA with me and let’s create a life together.”

  Audrey opened her mouth to say no, but indecision flooded her. She wanted to go back to LA, didn’t she? It’s what she had told herself when she first moved back, but now Blake was in the picture, and she was no longer sure.

  “I'm not positive I want to go back. I mean I want to act again but there’s something magical about this town.”

  Tony blinked at her. “This town? This town has one stoplight and no Starbucks. Why would you live in the middle of nowhere when you aren't forced to?”

  Audrey shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s something about the small-town vibe I like. It’s kind of growing on me again.”

  Cayden’s cry interrupted the discussion and Audrey turned to get him.

  “Is that him? I want to see him.” Tony followed her into the house and to Cayden
’s room.

  As Audrey picked Cayden up out of the crib, Tony reached for him. “Please, let me hold my son.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, Audrey held the bundle out, adjusting his arms the way the nurse had showed her that first day in the hospital. Though sweet, the image triggered the memory that Tony hadn’t been there, that he had left her when she started gaining weight to have the baby alone.

  “I need to get his bottle. Can you hold him without dropping him?”

  “I think I can manage,” Tony said with a narrowed look.

  Audrey wasn’t so sure, but she exited the room anyway. She filled the bottle quickly and returned, afraid to leave Cayden too long. “Here let me take him,” she said, holding out her arms.

  “I can feed him. Just hand over the bottle.”

  Audrey bit her lip, but before she could argue, a knock sounded at the door. Blake. Oh no, this will not be good.

  “Who’s that?” Tony’s eyes shifted to the door and he moved that direction.

  “A friend of mine,” Audrey said. “I’ll get the door. You sit in the chair and feed Cayden.”

  With heavy feet, Audrey walked to the door, playing different scenarios over in her head. She could tell Blake Tony was here, but how would he react? The other option involved lying, which brought a different kind of unease and Blake would see right through the lie and want an explanation.

  “Evening,” he said, as the door opened.

  “Hi." He leaned in for a kiss, but she placed a hand on his chest, stopping the motion. "Um, Tony’s here."

  Blake’s face blanked for a moment as if trying to place the name, and then he nodded, but his face remained devoid of emotion.

  Audrey hated hurting him. “I didn’t invite him,” she continued hoping to ease the evident tension in the air. “He found out where I lived from my old roommate and just showed up. I wanted to throw him out, but Cayden is his son.”

  “I understand. Do you want me to stay?” His voice held no emotion and tugged at Audrey’s heartstrings.

  Though she wanted him to stay, with no idea what Tony would do, she worried his staying would make the situation worse. “Can we take a rain check and talk at work tomorrow?”

  Blake took a deep breath and nodded, sadness manifesting across his handsome features. “Okay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Audrey couldn’t let him leave without trying to make him understand her conundrum, but as she reached out to touch his arm, Tony’s voice sounded from behind her. “Who is this?”

  “This is my friend Blake. We had planned to hang out tonight before you showed up.” Audrey fought to keep her voice calm. Cayden was still in Tony’s arms, and fear at what he might do if challenged coursed through her veins.

  “Well, I’m in town now to take care of Audrey and Cayden, so thanks for stopping by Brad, but...”

  “Blake. The name is Blake.” Blake’s shoulders tensed as his eyes narrowed.

  Audrey took a step toward Tony, hoping to extricate Cayden from his arms in case blows were about to rain down.

  “Whatever. We’re good, so you can leave.”

  Audrey reached out for Cayden, but Tony turned away, clutching the baby in his large hands.

  Blake's eyes flashed. “I’ll leave, but only because Audrey asked, and I’ll be checking in with her again.”

  As the door closed behind Blake, the anger bubbling in Audrey rose to the surface. “That was rude, Tony. Blake is a friend.”

  “Looks like he wants to be more than friends.”

  “Maybe he does. Maybe I do. After all, you left me when I was five months pregnant because I gained too much weight. He knows I have a kid, and he doesn’t care about my weight.”

  “I’m sorry I left, Audrey. I wasn't sure I could be a dad, but, I want my son in my life.” Tony crossed to the couch and sat down, still cradling Cayden in the crook of his arm.

  Audrey crossed her arms, angry at Tony’s leaving and then showing up unannounced, but the ire fizzled the longer she watched him. Tony held Cayden and gazed at him as if he wanted to be a father. How often had she dreamed about him coming back and raising their son with her? And shouldn’t she want Cayden to be around his real father? But then there was Blake. Audrey felt closer to Blake in one week than she could remember being to Tony the whole time they had been together. Audrey sighed as she sat in the chair across from him. What was she going to do now?

  The snow crunched under Blake’s feet on the journey back to his truck. This was an unexpected turn of events. Not only was he having to overcome Audrey's parents’ objection to him, but now Cayden’s father was in the picture.

  Max was busy behind the counter when Blake stepped into The Diner. He chose the last empty seat at the counter, next to Ned.

  “Hello, Blake. Where is your pretty friend tonight?” Ned asked, closing his book and turning his attention on Blake.

  Blake shook his head, not wanting to drudge through the issue with Ned, whom he rarely spoke to. “Something came up.”

  Max, overhearing the exchange, shot Blake a questioning look.

  “Just a burger for now,” Blake said, knowing Max would want the full story later.

  Max nodded and put the order in, and when the burger arrived, Blake tried to eat it, but couldn't muster the desire to finish it.

  An hour later, the last customer left. After locking the door and flipping the sign to ‘Closed,’ Max walked back to the counter and sat next to Blake.

  “Okay, spill it. What’s going on?”

  A long, deep sigh spilled out. “We were supposed to meet tonight and brainstorm ways to smooth the issue with her parents, but when I got there, Tony was there.”

  Max’s brow furrowed. “Who’s Tony again?”

  “Cayden’s father. Evidently he just showed up unannounced, and she seemed unsure of what to do. I think I love her, but I don’t want to keep a child from his father. I don’t know what to do.” Blake dropped his head into his hands.

  Max clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, I know I’m not as religious as you, but don’t you always say God knows best? I think the best thing you can do is wait. Let her know you're there, but wait and see what happens.”

  Blake raised his head to regard his friend. “I wasn’t sure you had been listening, but I’m glad some of my advice wore off on you. It’s nice to hear it back, but it doesn’t make it any easier to follow.”

  “It never does, my friend,” Max said.

  Chapter 10

  “How long do you plan on staying, Tony?” Audrey asked as she cleaned the dinner dishes. After Blake’s exit, Audrey had whipped up dinner hoping Tony would eat and leave, but he appeared in no hurry to leave.

  “Leave? I’m not leaving. This is my son, and I’m taking you both back to California.”

  Audrey sighed and turned off the water. “Tony, you didn't understand. I’m not going back. I’m enjoying being home.”

  A sneer crossed Tony’s face as he stood and closed the distance between them. “Are you sure you’re not enjoying your new boyfriend?”

  Audrey stepped back as fear flooded her body. Tony had never been violent, but she didn’t like the vibe he was emitting. “It’s not like that. Blake is a Christian who hasn’t pressured me to do anything, unlike someone else from my past.”

  While Audrey had been interested in Tony, things had moved at a faster pace because Tony had pushed. Perhaps if Audrey had been stronger, she would have noticed some of the less desirable traits Tony possessed, and run instead of jumping into bed with him.

  “I never had to pressure you,” Tony said with a sadistic laugh. “You would have done anything to get ahead and land a starring role.”

  Anger replaced the fear as the realization he had never cared for her sunk in. “You took advantage of me.”

  Tony snorted. “It’s Hollywood, baby, what did you expect? You do what you must to get ahead and succeed. If you plan to make it there, you better learn that lesson.”

  “Then I gu
ess it’s good I don’t plan on going back.” The words surprised even Audrey as they exited her mouth. She had planned on returning one day, when the money grew, and Cayden was a little older, but seeing Tony now opened her eyes. Audrey reflected on the other things done to get roles and cringed. A tiny ember of self-loathing flickered within her.

  Tony’s voice softened. “Look, Audrey, let’s sleep on it. You’ll change your mind in the morning after I’ve reminded you how much fun we have.”

  Audrey shook her head in repulsion. How had she fallen for this hardened, insensitive man? Had fame been so blinding she had convinced herself of his charm? “I’m not spending the night with you, and you’re not staying here. Go home, Tony. I don't know why you're really here, but you don’t want to be a father.”

  “You have no idea what I want,” Tony said, narrowing his eyes. “I’ll leave tonight, but this isn’t over.”

  When the door shut, Audrey rushed to lock it before sinking to the carpet, her back against the door. “Lord, I don't know what to do. Help me get Tony out of my life.”

  Audrey filled Elliana in on the previous night’s events when she arrived the following morning.

  “Should I worry this guy will show up here?” Fear threaded Elliana’s normally bold voice.

  “I don’t expect he will, but I honestly have no idea. If he does, call me and then drive to Mother's. If anything can scare him away, Evelyn might be it.”

  The girls exchanged tentative smiles laced with apprehension. Audrey didn’t want to leave Cayden, and she hated placing Elliana in an awkward situation, but she had to get to work.

  Blake was waiting at the front desk when she arrived. “I wanted to check and make sure everything was okay.”

  His words, meant to uplift, only reinforced the fear, and she began shaking. “I'm not sure if it will be okay. Tony left last night, but says he won’t go back to California without Cayden. Elliana is home with Cayden now, but what if Tony returns?”

  “Have Elliana take Cayden somewhere safe. Maybe to your mother’s?”